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How we relate, how we know what we think we know, how past mingles with present, how a bike stays upright, how the butt can bear that puny perch — a lot more than pedals and wheels goes around in Cycling in Plato’s Cave. Just like a bike, the poems are simple but have deftly moving parts that roll us along, offer fresh perspectives, and let us feel the air. And just like on a sunny Sunday in June, or is it September, or maybe it’s cloudy and broody outside, it’s all about the ride.
About the Author
David Cavanagh lives in Burlington, Vermont, and rides his various bicycles several thousand miles per year. Cycling in Plato’s Cave is his third book of poems. A fourth book, Straddle, is forthcoming from Salmon Poetry of Ireland. The Middleman and Falling Body came out earlier from Salmon. His poems have also appeared in numerous journals and anthologies in the U.S., Canada, and Ireland. David co-directs the External Degree Program and teaches part-time at Johnson State College.
About the Photographers
Pat Cavanagh is a psychologist and photographer in Granville, New York.
Ben Cavanagh is a photographer in Ottawa, Ontario, who owns and operates Ottawa People Pictures.