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The characters in Among Angelic Orders are harassed by the distant and not-so-distant past, by the future, by this world and the next. They live their lives in a state of ambivalence, yearning for something they have lost, or are about to lose, while desperately clinging to what they have. These are stories of mischief, longing, confusion, and loss, tempered by the random nature of mercy that rescues us from the certainty of our lives. 


About the Author

Susan Thomas has published stories, poems and translations in many journals and anthologies. She has won first prize from Spoon River Review and New York Stories, as well as the Iowa Poetry Award from Iowa Review, the Ann Stanford Prize from University of Southern California, and the 2010 MR Prize from the Mississippi Review. Red Hen Press published her collection, State of Blessed Gluttony, (2004), which won their Benjamin Saltman Prize and Last Voyage (2010), a collection of Giovanni Pascoli’s selected poems, co-translated with Deborah Brown and Richard Jackson. She also has two chapbooks, The Hand Waves Goodbye (Main Street Rag, 2002) and Voice of the Empty Notebook (Finishing Line Press, 2007). New work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Mississippi Review, Ellipsis, CUTTHROAT, and Cerise (Paris). She lives in Marshfield, Vermont and New York City with her husband, writer Peter Sills.


Susan’s website